Sunday, 2 June 2019

More sheepskin

Membrane two of the payroll. Some of you may notice this looks rather like membrane one: this is because I forgot to take photos of the detached fragments of the first two membranes, so I'm using membrane three of the main roll as a substitute. Clear? Clear as a bell.

The below includes Professor Mackman's notes.

C 47/2/1/15

 [The top of this fragment is also badly damaged, and only fragments survive of the first few lines of text. The fragment actually comprises the foot of one membrane and the head of the next, stitched together, and there is a gap of 2-3cm of blank parchment across the join.]

[m.1] [...] covered horses [...] days, £11 12s 4d. [...] for the said [...] days, £10 [...]s 4d. [...] foot-soldiers of W[...], for 3 days, £14 ?10s. [...] covered horse and 100 foot-soldiers and charcoal-burners from the forest of Dean, for 2 days, 51s. And each of the said charcoal-burners took 3d per day. [...] constables with 2 covered horses and ?12 uncovered horses, 2 standard-bearers and 1200 foot-soldiers from Brecon, for payment for the aforesaid Saturday, who then came [...] Landenf[...] 4s 8d. Sum of the covered horses – 29. Sum of the uncovered horses – 43. Sum of the foot-soldiers, [...], standard-bearers and other foot – 8,026 foot coming with the earl [...]. Payment of the aforesaid for the said 4 days - £250 [...]. [m. 2] [...] constables [...] uncovered horses and foot-soldiers for the aforesaid earl, in the presence of [...] days of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next following the feast of St Barnabas the Apostle in the abovesaid year. [...] accounts for payment to David ?ap Adam, constable, with 1 covered horse, for himself with 1 standard-bearer and 240 foot-soldiers from ‘Machen’, for the aforesaid 4 days,£8 13s 4d, as appears above by the particulars. [..] accounts for payment to Howel ap Ivor, constable, with 1 uncovered horse, and Ihewan ap Dun, with 1 covered horse, and Dun Vachan, constable, with [...] covered horse, and 1 standard-bearer and 606 foot-soldiers from ‘Meynghenith’, for the aforesaid 4 days, £21 13s 4s, as appears above by the particulars. [...] accounts for payment to Meurik G[och?], constable, with 1 uncovered horse and 161 foot-soldiers from Kibbor, for the aforesaid 4 days, 114s 8d. [...] accounts for payment to Adam Berkerol, constable, with [?1] uncovered [horse], and Adam ap Walter, constable, with 1 uncovered horse, and 105 foot-soldiers from ‘?Dempn’’,[ Initial capital unclear – could be D, B, K or another letter. Abbreviated ending may be ‘-er’?] for the aforesaid 4 days, [...] 2d. [...] [...]ynon ap [...]enew[...], constable, with 1 uncovered horse, and Adam Vachan, constable, with 1 uncovered horse, and the bailiff of the same place [...] 283 foot-soldiers of Wentloog, for the said 4 days, [...].

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