Wednesday 29 May 2013

Summer Banquet Hop

Summer banquet hop copy
It's almost summer - though UK-based people like me could be forgiven for thinking otherwise - and the season for barbecues: or, if you were living in the Middle Ages and could afford it, a feast or banquet.

To get your taste buds quivering, over thirty historical fiction authors will be posting about the kind of food consumed during their chosen eras of writing. The hop is scheduled to run between the 3rd-7th of June and as usual lots of fantastic free prizes and giveaways will be on offer.

I will be offering a free paperback copy of Book One of my Wars of the Roses saga, The White Hawk: a bloody, violent and intensely political tale, and something for the lucky winner to get his or her teeth into... 


  1. Um - the logo says the blog hop is June 3-7, but you say June 1-3. Has something changed?

  2. Oops! Sorry Tinney - slip of a digit. Will correct :)
