Monday 25 March 2013

Guest interview...

The lovely Sharon Penman, author of Here be Dragons, When Christ and his Saints Slept, and other brilliant works of historical fiction, has interviewed me on her blog. Check it out:



  1. David, just in case you haven't read the commnets on Sharon's blog so far, let me write it again:

    "Very interesting interview David! It's great to learn even more about you and your writng. I love your blog and brilliant style. And I would still love to read your William Marshal novel :-) Did you mention Henry the Young King in it? I'm sure you did. I'm very curious how you portrayed him."

    1. Hi Kasia, I did see the comments on Sharon's blog but have had a hectic weekend and didn't get a chance to respond.

      Thank you again for your kind comments about my writing. However, no-one is reading the Marshal book, ha ha! It was very much a first effort and completely sucked, frankly. I didn't even get as far as the Young King...

  2. I do agree about the medieval battles! Gruesome business indeed! I'm sure I would be the first to flee the field :-)
